IMAP advises on a transaction in the area property management / real estate management sector

Baugenossenschaft Familienheim Rhein-Neckar eG has successfully continued its steady growth policy and acquired 100% of the shares in Bayerische Wert- und Grundbesitz Verwaltung GmbH (Neubiberg), FaMaP GmbH (Neubiberg), WOHMAX GmbH (Neubiberg) and Münchner Grund Immobilien Management GmbH (Neubiberg).

The acquired group of companies consists of four complementary companies whose range of services includes condominium management, rental management, real estate procurement and building services. The group manages approximately 16,000 units nationwide, 13,000 of them in Munich alone.

With the acquisition of these companies, Familienheim Rhein-Neckar is operating a group of companies with integrated real estate management services that currently manages more than 100,000 residential units and nearly 2.5 million sqm of commercial space with over 1,000 employees.

Gerhard A. Burkhardt, CEO of Familienheim Rhein-Neckar said: "In recent years, our cooperative has acquired several companies with extensive know-how in the real estate industry. As a result, we have also built up expertise in the  residential areas sector. Today, living means more than just building and distributing four walls."

This strategic acquisition expands the company's presence in Southern Germany and through real estate procurement and building services, its range of services can be comprehensively supplemented and expanded. Familienheim Rhein-Neckar eG is headquartered in Mannheim.

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