IMAP in Germany advised Onlime GmbH on the sale of its satellite services business unit to CETel

IMAP has advised Onlime GmbH and its UK based shareholder, Onlime Group Limited, a leading operator of fiber and satellite telecommunication networks, on the sale of its globally managed satellite services to the German telecommunications provider CETel (Central European Telecom Services GmbH). CETel acquires, as part of an asset deal, the customer and supplier contracts as well as some of the necessary technical equipment. Both companies will support each other in their future international business activities.

Onlime GmbH is a WTA (World Teleport Association) award-winning telecommunications provider and the Group has several office locations in Europe and Africa. The transaction allows Onlime to concentrate on further development of its core business of community software applications and its fiber and wireless based communications solutions in Africa. Amongst its customers are well-known international enterprises from various industries, such as oil & gas, mining, hotels and banking, as well as NGOs.

IMAP approached only a selected list of potential buyers and was able to successfully complete the transaction within a short time frame. Onlime was keen for IMAP to find a suitable investor with whom it could form a strategic partnership to undertake joint projects in the future.

Onlime was exclusively advised by the IMAP in Germany team, consisting of Henning Graw (Partner), Simon Borst (Analyst) and Philippe Mullenbach (Analyst).

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