IMAP Netherlands advises PCS on sale to Belgium's investment fund KeBeK via its stake in Mifratel

Belgian investment fund KeBeK has taken the next step in the creation of a large, efficient contact center group. Via its stake in Mifratel, it is taking over Dutch contact center PCS.


PCS was founded in 2011 by Mohlad Hassan. According to the benchmark list of the facilities contact center market published by CustomerFirst, PCS has been the fastest-growing contact center in the Netherlands for the past 6 years.


The increased product knowledge, know-how and geographical complementarity of the new group are intended to enable an even more flexible, high-quality and innovative service to existing and new customers, across a broad platform of communication channels (telephone, Internet, chat, e-mail, ...). The new group is owned by KeBeK, Mohlad Hassan, BNP Paribas Fortis Private Equity and the management of both organisations.


The take-over has led to the formation of a group with about 1650 employees and turnover of €65 million. More than 60 clients spread across 15 sectors are served by customer teams ranging from 1 to over 100 agents.​


IMAP Netherlands advised PCS.


Mr. Frank Dhooghe, CEO of Mifratel said:

"For Mifratel, this acquisition is part of our "BuilT to ExceL" strategy: we aim to remain THE reference in the field of flexible, high-quality, customer-centric Contact Center Services.


Mr. Mohlad Hassan, CEO of PCS, added:

"The combination of Mifratel and PCS leads to a new, interesting service for our customers. PCS's innovative service provision is complementary for Mifratel's customers. PCS’s customers will benefit from a wider range of multilingual support and offshore service provision."


Gert Van Huffel, Managing Partner at KeBeK Private Equity. commented:

"This merger is a new milestone in the process of expansion and increasing our professionalism that we began with Mifratel in 2014. This has enabled us to create a large, diversified Benelux contact center player, with 10 sites spread across Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Morocco. What appeals to us about PCS is the passion and entrepreneurship with which they have achieve rapid growth in recent years. We believe it is important that Mohlad Hassan should not only be a large shareholder in the group, but he has also joined the management team of the Mifratel Group.

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